
5G Tech

What is RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller)? AI based network

This blog post describes RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller), which is a 5G wireless network technology. RIC is a technolog...
5G Tech

What is RAN(Radio Access Network)? What is CRAN(Centralized-RAN) and DRAN(Distributed-RAN)?

This section describes terms related to RAN (Radio Access Network), which is a mobile wireless access network. This blog...
5G Tech

5GモバイルネットワークのRAN(Radio Access Network)とは?CRANとは?DRANとは?

モバイルの無線アクセスネットワークであるRAN(Radio Access Network)に関係する用語を説明します。CRAN(Centralized-RAN)とDRAN(Distributed-RAN)の違いを説明します。また、CRANデ...
5G Tech

What is 5G MEC? What is Edge Computing?

Here is an overview of Edge Computing realized by 5G. It is officially defined under the name MEC (Multi-Access Edge Com...
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5G Tech

RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller)とは?人口知能搭載の5Gネットワーク

5G無線ネットワーク技術のRIC (RAN Intelligent Controller)を説明します。RICは、無線アクセスネットワーク(RAN)をよりオープンでインテリジェントにする技術です。RICは、AI/ML(人工知能・機械学習)が...
5G Tech


モバイルネットワークのVirtual-RAN(VRAN)およびOpen-RAN(ORAN)の違い、それぞれの意味を説明します。モバイルネットワークで進んでいる、RAN(Radio Access Network)の仮想化(Virtualiza...
5G Tech

What is 5G? What is Network Slicing?

Here is an overview of network slicing realized by 5G. The first edition of network slicing technical specifications was...
5G Tech

What is 5G? Cloud-native Telecom network and the characteristics

What is 5G? This blog pot describes how a 5G Network can change from a 4G Network.In 5G, general-purpose equipment (COST...
5G Tech

Open Interface and Open Specification 5G mobile network

What is 5G? This blog post describes how 5G Network can change from 4G Network.Networks in the 4G and 3G Telecom fields ...